Connection with Animals
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

Connection with Animals

As a busy college student juggling classes, assignments, and my social life, things can get overwhelming for me pretty fast. However, there's one constant source of comfort in my life. My dog, Lacey. Lacey’s presence reminds me of the powerful connection we have with animals and the unique role they play in helping with our mental health. As an intern diving into the world of mental health and animal assisted psychotherapy, I have learned more about just how incredible animals can be in making our lives better.

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The Power of Control
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

The Power of Control

...does she want to focus on the present or surrender to the fear of her past. It’s a choice…. a hard choice… but a choice. 

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Robin Robinson Robin Robinson


At WhistleStop Acres, we witness incredible stories of transformation every day, where determination, in both humans and animals, play a central role. Determination is a powerful force, capable of breaking through barriers, fostering resilience, and leading to remarkable healing journeys. In the context of animal-assisted therapy, this determination is not just an individual trait; it’s a shared experience between humans and animal companions.

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Working with Animals
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

Working with Animals

There hasn't been a time where I haven't had animals in my life. I often forget how much of an impact surrounding yourself with animals can have on your mental and physical health. In this blog post I think about how I can incorporate my experience at WhistleStop Acres into my future goals and career.

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Coping With Uncertainty
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

Coping With Uncertainty

As I approach the end of my time as an undergraduate student at Texas A&M, I find myself struggling with a mixture of emotions. Part of me is eager and excited. Only one more semester left! However, I have recently found that there is a sense of uncertainty that looms large. What will come next? What will my future look like?

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Building Your Purpose
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

Building Your Purpose

Purpose is more than having goals or ambitions, but I believe it comes from within. Finding meaning in what we do and aligning our actions with our core values has helped me in understanding my purpose. I have started to connect my daily activities and chores within me to something greater than me.

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Robin Robinson Robin Robinson


Considering the motive behind WhistleStop Acres is no different and is the driving force in my daily yes, even when things are hard, such as storm damage, excessive heat, and tired bodies. Sharing motive with you, I hope will foster an ongoing connection that this ranch isn’t just another ranch

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Universal Healing
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

Universal Healing

The image before you showcases talented artwork created by patients at a dementia and memory care facility in Germany I had the privilege of visiting while studying abroad. It may not look like much, but for me, their art represents WhistleStop Acres and highlights how universal healing really is.

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The Intersection of Nature and Community
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

The Intersection of Nature and Community

When I reflect on my experiences at Whistle Stop Acres, I am reminded of the pillars that have shaped my journey towards living a fulfilling life. Leaving my familiar surroundings in Texas to pursue my first year of university in Colorado was a leap of faith driven by my desire for a deeper connection with nature. The transition was both thrilling and overwhelming, and it was during this period that I came to appreciate the profound impact of community. Struggling to find my place in this new environment, I realized the value of embracing time alone and cultivating a deeper understanding of my thoughts and aspirations.

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The Power of Connection
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

The Power of Connection

Being a competitive show jumper since I was 8 years old has given me a lot of experience with horses. Throughout these years, I've learned to cherish the unique bond between each of the horses I’ve had the opportunity to ride and myself. This connection is ultimately built on trust, mutual respect, and an unspoken understanding that can only be achieved through countless hours of training and companionship. Every jump, every turn, and every stride in the arena reflects the deep partnership that develops over time. This connection goes beyond the competitive arena, extending into the realm of personal growth and healing, which is something that I've come to deeply appreciate.

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Living Intentionally
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

Living Intentionally

Being in nature means feeling the cool breeze blow my hair back, my skin soaking up the heat, journaling my gratitude, and fully embracing the ups and downs to life. At WhistleStop Acres, we encourage you to take in the environment and enjoy the impact of nature and animals. We truly believe that the time spent here is unlike anything else you can experience. It is an honor to be part of a team that wants you to do your best and feel your best. Surrounding myself with individuals who constantly push me to work harder, inspire others, and take care of myself is so rewarding.

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Finding Hope
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

Finding Hope

Being in nature means feeling the cool breeze blow my hair back, my skin soaking up the heat, journaling my gratitude, and fully embracing the ups and downs to life. At WhistleStop Acres, we encourage you to take in the environment and enjoy the impact of nature and animals. We truly believe that the time spent here is unlike anything else you can experience. It is an honor to be part of a team that wants you to do your best and feel your best. Surrounding myself with individuals who constantly push me to work harder, inspire others, and take care of myself is so rewarding.

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We are not a petting zoo!
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

We are not a petting zoo!

At the core of every decision, every social media post, every event, every group, every therapy session, every interaction exists a passionate belief in people and their ability to live a life of fulfilled greatness! Every person, no matter their history, culture, background, mistakes, successes, family structures, etc. have a need for belonging, purpose, and peace. Connecting to others, building skills to sustain our lives while engaging in nature, and finding our purpose through personal growth is a pathway to living our best lives.

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Robin Robinson Robin Robinson


Beyond that, however, I also feel deeply compelled by the recognition of those things, to continue to live purposefully in the joys and the sorrows while I can, because as this old canoe reminded me yet again, life is but a vapor, so we must seize every moment we can.

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The Hammer
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

The Hammer

We have been experiencing that true South Texas winter… you know, the one where you have all four seasons in one week? We had some beautiful fall like weather that led to the Polar Vortex where we were well below freezing for days, that led immediately into Monsoon week. The ranch received over 12 inches of rain in 72 hours. We had a slight reprieve Thursday and then the rain came again yesterday. It is so saturated that we are standing in ankle deep water on TOP of the grass that is on the hilltop. The lower acreage… just a total mud swamp.

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Robin Robinson Robin Robinson


Last night, I was looking at the sunset, as I often do. It wasn’t a very notable sunset as I looked to the west where it was creeping down below the tree line. However, when I turned around, there she was… the glorious display of color I was hoping to see.

I watched the colors in the east, opposite the fading western sky light, emanate pastel shades transitioning from hues of blues, to oranges to pinks. They were not the rich, brilliant colors I often find while facing the sunset itself; but instead were soft, almost translucent expressions of iridescent display. It was a gentle reflection of the fading light of day turning night, causing a beauty all their own.

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Polar Vortex Thoughts
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

Polar Vortex Thoughts

This week has been all about preparing for the Polar Vortex that is due to arrive starting Sunday night. This is the third year in a row to have a really, really cold vortex blow through. We are in South Texas and we are designed to stay cool down here, not stay warm. Therefore, tt is a lot of work to prepare and try to stay ahead of broken pipes, frozen water, and warm spaces for all the animals. Even then, I worry the entire time about them. I also find great irony in the worry, as just a few months ago, I was fighting to keep them alive from the extreme heat wave and drought that was plaguing our summer.

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Love and Hate
Robin Robinson Robin Robinson

Love and Hate

While symbolism of the fog and the frustration of the mud echoed in my thoughts on how important point of view really is when facing our day. I was appreciating one thing, while feeling frustration from the other.

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