Connection with Animals

As a busy college student juggling classes, assignments, and my social life, things can get overwhelming for me pretty fast. However, there's one constant source of comfort in my life. My dog, Lacey. Lacey’s presence reminds me of the powerful connection we have with animals and the unique role they play in helping with our mental health. As an intern diving into the world of mental health and animal assisted psychotherapy, I have learned more about just how incredible animals can be in making our lives better.

Animals have the remarkable ability to sense human emotions. The connection between human and animal goes beyond just companionship. This connection also provides emotional support. When someone is feeling anxious or low, pets often respond by staying close or offering comfort in a quiet, non-judgmental way. This kind of support can be essential for improving mental health. 

Similarly to how you might feel this strong connection with your own pet at home, the various animals at WhistleStop Acres can help provide this same connection. If you're seeking an opportunity to get away from your daily routine and experience a new environment that provides support and connection, WhistleStop is the place to be. The quiet presence of the animals and nature at WhistleStop might be just what you need to lift your spirits and calm your mind.

Katia Cannon


Embracing Resilience


The Power of Control