Finding Hope

June 1, 2024

Impacts into our lives come in such surprising ways and often when we least expect them.  Such is the story of Michael, our beloved mini-horse.  Michael found me when I didn’t even know I was looking.  He was at a rescue, in a back pasture, surrounded by tons of rescued donkeys waiting their opportunity to move across the road to the pastures where they finally become adoptable.  They all have stories and a history that led them to need rescued and Michael was no different.  I was there to get my donkeys, and had no thought of finding him that day, but there he was and instantly… and I do mean instantly, there was a connection straight from my heart to his! 

 We were leaving the pasture, and suddenly, there he was racing to the fence, joyfully chasing us, him inside the fence, us on the outside in a side by side.  He ran his of the fence as far as the fencing allowed, never slowing for a moment.  He had a pride in his step and a grandeur in his trot that made him seem like the biggest black stallion I had ever seen.  He was eager to be seen… but even more.. he was eager to see.  He stole my heart that day and I knew he belonged at WhistleStop Acres.  I was given some backstory that day, but honestly, I didn’t even need it.  He had my heart. 

 As time went on, we completed the process and Michael joined.  It was hard on one particular person.  His name is Cowboy Bob.  I was able to talk with Cowboy Bob and he shared his love of Michael and the story of his healing.  I think it only fair to share the story of Michael’s healing from Cowboy Bob’s own words.

 Cowboy Bob said,

 “I talk about Michael wherever I go.  He is a poster child for horses with no hope left.. not even from a rescue. At first he was so angry and dangerous, the rescue staff were not allowed to go in his pen, even the veterinarian refused to treat him.  He did not know how to trust or how to receive a loving hand.

 There’s a lot to be learned from Michael’s story, especially when all hope seems lost.

In truth, all he really needed was continuous unconditional love and the freedom to make mistakes, no matter how grievous, without retribution.

 I’ve worked with hundreds of horses, donkeys and mules.  In the end, Michael became one of the most affectionate horses I have ever been around and adored by everyone who meets him.”


Michael stole our heart, but he also gives us so much to learn as Cowboy Boy points out.  He had an egregiously traumatic past, is missing his left eye, but lives his life with a zest and delight that is contagious.  He is feisty and mighty (he drives our horse farrier crazy sometimes with his attitude and spice),  he doesn’t know personal space, he loves food, but most of all, he just loves to be loved.  He prances around this place as if he is king of the world and without a care in the world!  He has forgiven his past hurts and left them where they belong… behind him.  He looks forward and lives each day to the fullest.  We love our Michael so very much.  He may not be our hands-on therapy animal all the time because he really does not know that he is heavy and tries to be a lap horse, but he is the perfect addition to our ranch and to the legacy we are trying to leave each day out here. 

 Life is toilsome. It can be cruel, even vicious, at times.  Circumstances can maim, devastate, and leave us in what seems to be hopeless existence.  We can be angry and unmanageable for the rest of our lives,  and probably rightly so.  Or,  like Michael, we can give it one more try, knowing with the right people, the right support, and the right attitude, all that pain can be a part of what makes us so great going forward.

What will you choose?  I hope you will choose to be like Michael and allow someone to be your Cowboy Bob!










Living Intentionally


We are not a petting zoo!