Our Team

Robin Robinson, LPC, NCC

Lead Therapist and Trainer

Robin is a graduate of West Texas A&M with a degree in K-12 Special Education, and k-8 General Education, as well as a graduate of Lamar University with a Master of Education degree in School Counseling followed by a degree in Mental Health Counseling. She is a proud wife and mother, as well as a dedicated professional counselor with a plethora of experiences both professionally and personally, acting as the driving passion behind WhistleStop Acres, LLC. Robin is a former educator, with the prestigious honor of being named teacher of the year in all three schools she taught in over the course of her career, as well as being District Teacher of the Year for Humble ISD and Region IV top three finalist for Teacher of the Year. She has a background in both special education and general education and is a specialist in the field of Autism, along with being a nationally certified school counselor. She has utilized therapy dogs in both the special education environment, as well as the general education environment through the course of her education career. Robin began providing counseling in private practice in 2017 and moved into the private sector full time in 2018 where she continues to grow her skills and therapeutic approaches. Robin also has a vast array of personal experiences that enrich her insight and intention brought into practice. Some of those include grief processing through the death of her son after an extended illness; the joy and struggle of a blended family of both adopted and biological children; experiencing cancer diagnosis twice; and the recent loss of both of her parents, as well as her mother in law, in less than a year and a half’s time. With background experience animals, as well as her professional skill sets, Robin has developed a deep commitment to combing all of those to better serve others.

Todd Robinson

Todd works full time as the General Manager/ operating partner of College Station Nissan, but also serves as a support role in the care of the animals, event set up and support, as well as security at all events. Todd serves as our Animal Support Director, having grown up on a ranch and having a rich experience with animal care and maintenance. He is married to Robin and has a deep belief in the need for and effectiveness of therapy, as he has experienced great loss through the death of his son and the recent loss of his mother and in-laws. He knows the importance of shared support and the touch of an animal to foster hope and healing. He also loves to share the ranch with community.  Joy is found out here and he is passionate about sharing it with others.  He is the best behind the scenes support to be found, hands down.

Animal Support Director

Seth Robinson

Therapy Assistant

Seth is a graduate of Texas A&M, and a current graduate student of Texas Tech University where he is working towards a Master of Science Degree in Mental Health Counseling. He currently teaches 11th and 12th grade English, while working part time as Therapy Assistant and Program Coordinator at the ranch. His contributions range from behind the scenes support to assisting with groups and events, supervised and led by Robin. Seth has a heart of service and a love of adventure that pushes him forward in personal growth. He’s passionate for people and is intentional with time, as he has also experienced great loss in the death of his brother and grandparents. Furthermore, He knows the challenges of secondary trauma faced by exposure to those with trauma experience. He has a natural calming nature and an uncanny ability to connect to teens as well as adults. He provides leadership through his actions and support through his compassion.

Lizzy Robinson

Sustainable Living  Director  & Curriculum Developer  

Lizzy is a graduate of Appalachian State University in North Carolina and recently moved to the area. She has a passion for serving people, while also teaching the skills of sustainable living. Her love of people and the earth is combined into service through her role as Sustainable Living Supervisor and Curriculum Coordinator for WhistleStop Acres. Lizzy brings a unique skill set to the organization providing hands-on experiences for people of all ages. Whether through supporting trauma-based clients with sensory experiences through the connection to the earth; or leading lessons for children and adults on ways they can improve the world and develop independent survival skills, Lizzy brings a fresh experience and fun to the center. This is an area of our center that is perfect for those less inclined to animals, or that have allergies to the animals.

Cliona Mai

Volunteer Coordinator and Programs Director

Berit Zuch

College Intern Summer 2024

Berit is a senior undergraduate student at Texas A&M majoring in Neuroscience with a Behavioral and Cognitive track. She has a passion for volunteering and advocacy. She currently serves as the Public Relations Director of Texas A&M’s Philosophy Club and is a DJ for KANM Student Radio. She is also a Research Assistant for the Pain, Rehabilitation, and Society Futures Lab and a Teaching Scholar under the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences. She plans to pursue her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy and is passionate about social justice in healthcare.

Cliona is a graduate of Texas A&M University with a degree in Public Health and is continuing her education at Texas A&M School of Nursing. As an advocate for therapy, love for assisting others, and a deep appreciation for power of nature, Cliona encourages individuals to see the benefits in local animal assisted therapy.

Cliona focuses on the program development and volunteer aspect of WhistleStop Acres hoping to create a sense of community within the volunteers. With her background in working with the elderly community, Cliona brings a wealth of experience and empathy to WhistleStop Acres. Her interactions are characterized by warmth, understanding, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Driven by passion to spread awareness about mental health, she has an unwavering commitment to serving her community. She welcomes you on an individual level to join us!

Katia Cannon

College Intern Summer 2024

Katia is a senior undergraduate student at Texas A&M majoring in psychology. Being passionate about mental health and helping others, she is involved in the Aggie Mental Health Ambassador organization at Texas A&M that strives to break the stigma around mental health, along with proving students with various mental health resources that are available to them. In addition to this, she is part of the teaching scholar program and is a research assistant in the Emotional Science Lab at Texas A&M. Katia has been an equestrian athlete for 13 years doing competitive show jumping and has a fond love for animals. She is interested in a career in counseling or consumer psychology.

Sara Hiller

College Intern Summer 2024

Sara is an undergraduate student at Texas A&M majoring in Psychology with minors in Neuroscience and Communication. She served as Recruitment and Social Co-Executive Officer for Aggie Blossoms this past year. Sara is a research assistant for the Pain, Rehabilitation, and Society Futures Lab at Texas A&M. She has a passion for helping people and plans to become a marriage and family therapist.

Cameron Cash

Ranch Hand & Barn Manager

Cameron brings a background of ranchskills to the team and a passion to match.  He has dedication to  working hard, contributing to goals, and ensuring animals and environment are in top working condition. He has a zest for nature, a plove of people, and a pride in working hard for the betterment of all.  He is a true asset to the team!