The Hammer

January 24, 2024

We have been experiencing that true South Texas winter… you know, the one where you have all four seasons in one week?  We had some beautiful fall like weather that led to the Polar Vortex where we were well below freezing for days, that led immediately into Monsoon week.  The ranch received over 12 inches of rain in 72 hours.  We had a slight reprieve Thursday and then the rain came again yesterday.  It is so saturated that we are standing in ankle deep water on TOP of the grass that is on the hilltop.  The lower acreage… just a total mud swamp. 

I saw a meme that said, “What kind of farm do you have?” with the answer. “Mud. I have a mud farm.”  I laughed a little too hard at that meme, I must say.  Honestly though, overall, even with all we have been dealing with, we have been able to keep the animals safe and things going, so I call it a huge win. 

Today, for about 30 minutes, I saw the sun peek out.  I was so excited you would think I saw Santa and his reindeer arriving with Christmas surprises!  I instantly felt hope!  I found myself standing in the same mud, the same water, but with a totally different feeling inside.  It’s now that part of the Texas winter again, where spring shows up!  It is also now that time where we recover the mess and begin the repairs that are always required post chaos.

 Between the Polar Vortex and the Monsoon (about a day apart in departure and arrival last week) Todd and I were out fixing fence.  Isn’t that something that is always happening?  Fixing fence?  It’s like a rite of passage if you own livestock (especially a friendly bull that likes his ladies) and land.  I was holding the panels and handing the fence nails.  There was something about that hammer hitting the nails that just felt good. What?  Freezing, wet, muddy, and the sound of the hammer felt good?  Yes, exactly that.

 I was pulled into the appreciation that every ounce of stress, hard work, and hammer swing is affording us the opportunity to protect our animals that partner with us to love our community.  What’s the saying, “Nothing worth having comes easy?”  That’s how I felt.  I wouldn’t say I felt that the whole time.  I certainly felt overwhelmed with Todd was out of town and I was breaking ice four times a day and hoping the pipes held.  I wouldn’t say when I stepped so deep in mud that I nearly didn’t get my boot back when I pulled my foot out, that I rejoiced.  But standing there watching that hammer swing, realizing the purpose to our efforts is huge, my perspective settled on joy.

 I don’t know where you are today.  I don’t know how your winter is going… or even more how your life is going.  It may very well feel much like the confused South Texas Winters.  Sometimes it may be so heavy you don’t know if you will be able to get yourself out of the muck in one piece and what you might lose while trying.  What I do know, though, is putting your focus on something meaningful even in the muck may help your perspective to shift just enough to get to the next minute… like me and the swing of that hammer. 

 If you need more help working things out and finding a way to a new perspective, I know some animals that are ready to help me help you.  All you have to do is reach out. 


Happy Polar Vortex, Monsoon, Mudding, Spring Winter to each of you!





