Love and Hate
January 6, 2024
The morning, the ranch was blanketed in a covering of dense fog, coming off the overly saturated grounds from our recent downpours. I was captivated by the site of our beloved donkeys, ears arching through the fog as they proudly gathered in the newness of the day. They were patiently waiting for their daily adventures to ensure, when they forgo the safety of their nightly paddock and head out on their escapades across the pastures. I watched them for a few minutes, taking in the beauty of their presences as the fog created a mystical feel around them. Oh, how I love them!
As I moved to open the gates, I trudged my way through thick, slippery mud left behind from the rains, finding myself frustrated with the mess. I let them out and rubbed their ears (as well as gave a few rump scratches… their favorite!) and continued to watch the light of day pierce through and begin to dissipate the foggy haze. I prepared to continue the chores and feedings of the day while enjoying the changing scenery that was occurring in real time as the warming sun broke through the fog.
While symbolism of the fog and the frustration of the mud echoed in my thoughts on how important point of view really is when facing our day. I was appreciating one thing, while feeling frustration from the other. However, when I worked on my mindset around it all, I was reminded how much intention it takes to appreciate even the more difficult things we face.
I love rain. I hate mud. It is really that simple. If you have any experience with owning acreage, you know how you value the ease of work without mud, but the devastation that comes without rain. This morning… that fog… well, the reality is, without the recent rains, the perfect conditions for such a beautiful covering of fog, creating a majestic canvas to display those giant eared equestrians, simply would not have been. The rain drenched the earth, filled the ponds quite a bit, and yes, created annoying mud. Yet, it also prepared the earth for the response of the gray blanketing fog to roll in.
Such is life. I believe wholeheartedly the storms of life create messes but are also the backdrop for deep appreciation when things are simple, seamless, and going beautifully. Often the very things we enjoy and treasure come to us because of the things we would have avoided and despised, had we the choice. Adjusting our mindset to reflect the raw honesty that we would never choose the struggles, but can appreciate them, will allow rain to usher in the fog, as well as grow the beauty that comes only after.
Today, whatever storm you are in, whatever mud is messy all around you, take three deep breaths and reframe that thinking towards the anticipation of what will come from the mess. Choose to stay the course, dig in, push through, and let the joys and hopes dry up the muck. In time, you will be cherishing the other side if you keep pushing through.
Happy mucking!